Page 10 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 10

secure in their personalities, and through this self-confidence, present the
  distinguished outlook of Islam to the whole world.

  Islam guides us to benefit from and contribute to the achievements of this
 age. Islam encourages science and technology; it is a pioneer in its
 approach to comprehensive development. The Islamic approach provides a
 balance in spiritual, economic, and social life; provides for human rights and
 basic liberties; ensures the individual’s right to live in dignity and security,
 guarantees basic needs, and administers society’s affairs in accordance
 with the principles of justice and consultation. Such an approach both
 benefits from and strengthens the mechanisms of modern democracy.

 We attach great hope to the scholars of our Nation. It is they who will
 enlighten our youth -- the generation that adorns our present age and will
 create and become our future. It is our scholars who will keep our youth
 from sliding down the paths of ignorance, corruption, close-mindedness and
 subordination, into the abyss of extremism. And it is our scholars who will
 hold a beacon to a different path - a path of tolerance, moderation, and
 goodness; guiding young people to the way of Islam and instituting its great
 values in their young hearts.

 Indeed, as role models in their religious manners, conduct, and speech, our
 scholars can contribute to the renewal of the march of our entire Nation. By
their exacting standards of science, positive visions of politics, and the
grace to take all matters wisely and meticulously; and by bringing people
together, not dividing them, by uniting hearts, not turning them away, and
by raising humanity’s eyes to the horizons of fulfillment: in all these ways,
our scholars wilkhelp our whole Nation meet the challenges of the 21st
century. Through such wisdom and achievement, Islam’s goodness, peace,
and love will flow to all the peoples of the world.

We pray to God: to provide our Islamic Nation with means of renaissance,
prosperity and advancement; to shield it from the evils of extremism and
closed minds; to preserve its rights, sustain its glory, and uphold its dignity.
He is the best Lord and the Best Aid.

God Almighty says: “And (He commandeth you, saying): This is My straight
path, so follow it. Follow not other ways, lest ye be parted from His way.
This hath He ordained for you, that ye may ward o ff (evil)” (A lA n ’aam: 153).

We conclude, thanking God, Lord of the worlds,

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Ramadan 1425 Hijri
November 2004 AD
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