Page 16 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 16

Reed, Quentin (2013) Maximising the Efficiency and Impact of Supreme Audit
       Institutions through Engagement with Stakeholders, UNDP dan U4 Anti
        Corruption Resoruce Center, Agustus

  Supreme Audit Office of Poland (2014) Peer Review Report on the Supreme
          Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, website:

    Transparansi international (2014), Corruption Perception Index 2013, website:
            www .transparency .orq

      T\iptoheri\anto, PrYjono (1999) “Corruption Prevention in Indonesia”, New Strait

                 Times, Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, 4 Juni

          United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Human Development Index,

            ----------, Millenium Development Goals 2013, website:

             World Bank (2004) Combating Corruption in Indonesia: Enhancing Accountability
                      for Development, East Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
                       Unit, website: www

                World Economic Forum. The Human Capital Report 2013, website:
                        www .wetorum.orq
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