Page 6 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 6

3. The Parties may invite the third party to take part in implementation of the
                 field as stated in article 2 as well as arrangement of the involvement of the
                 third party in each program to create the mutually beneficial cooperation in
                 both cities.

                                                                Article 4
                                                    Financial Arrangements

           1. Thej implementation of the activities under this M oll is subject to the
                 availability of fund and personnel of the Parties;

          2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, each Party shall bear its cost to
                 implement this MoU.

                                                                Article 5
                                                      Joint Working Group

          1. The Parties may establish a Joint Working Group to plan, prepare and
                recommend program as well as monitor and evaluate the progress of
                cooperation under this MoU;

          2. The members of the Joint Working Group shall consist of representatives of
                the respective governments. The Joint Working Group may invite the private
                sector to take part in its deliberation, if necessary and subject to mutual
                consent of the Parties;

          3. The Joint Working Group shall meet annually or otherwise as agreed,
                alternately in Surabaya or in Kitakyushu. If the annual meeting could not be
                held in certain circumstances, documents shall be exchanged in lieu of such

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