Page 8 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 8

Article 9
                                           Settlement of Disputes

Any differences arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Moll
shall be settled amicably through consultation and/or negotiation between the

                                                      Article 10

1. This Memorandum of Understanding may be revised or amended at any
      time in writing by mutual consent of the Parties. Such revision or
      amendments shall come into effect on such date as may be determined by
      the Parties and shall form as an integral part of this MoU;

2. Any! revision, modification or amendment shall nor prejudice the rights and
      obligations arising from or based on this MoU before or up to the date of
      such revision, modification or amendment.

                                                      Article 11
                          Entry Into Force, Duration, and Termination

1. This MoU shall come into force on the date of its signing;

2. This MoU shall be in force for a period of 3 (three) years and may be
      extended by mutual consent of the Parties through diplomatic channels;

3. This MoU may be terminated by either Party by giving 6 (six) months prior
      notice to the other Party. Should this MoU be terminated, the arrangement
      or ongoing program and activities made under this MoU in effect until their
      completion unless agreed otherwise by the parties.
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