Page 7 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 7

Article 6
                                      Intellectual Property Rights

1. Each Party shall protect intellectual property rights of other Party in
      accordance with the relevant domestic laws and regulations in force in their
      respective country;

2. In case of specific arrangements, program or project result in the intellectual
      property, such property shall be jointly owned, and the Parties shall
      conclude separate arrangement to govern such property in accordance with
      the laws and regulations of the respective countries;

3. If either Party wishes to disclose confidential data and or information
      furnished by the other party or created by the Parties in the implementation
      of this MoU, the disclosing Party shall obtained written consent from the
      other Party prior to the disclosure of such data and or information.

                                                     Article 7
                                 Limitation of Personnel Activities

The Parties shall ensure that their personnel engaged in activities under this
MoU shall respect and comply with the laws and regulations of the host party’s
country, shall have the obligation not to interfere the domestic affairs of the
country of the host party and shall refrain from conducting activities inconsistent
with the objective of this MoU.

                                                    Article 8

Each Party reserves the right, for reasons of national security, national interest,
public order or public health, to suspend temporarily, either in whole or in a part,
the implementation of this MoU. The suspension shall take effect immediately
after notification has been given to the other Party through diplomatic channels.
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