Page 13 - Perpustakaan Lemhannas RI
P. 13


Oktober 2011 ini. Dimana ditetapkan posisi, peran, fungsi dan
tugas badan-badan intelijen di Indonesia serta kewenangannya. Di
beberapa negara, parlemen mempunyai kewenangan melakukan
pengawasan terhadap intelijen. Lihat Tabel-1.

COUNTRY          MANDATE OF                             TYPE OF BODY

AUSTRALIA Review                      the Joint Committee on

                 administration and Intelligence                        and

                 expenditure,         any Security, consist o f 9

                 matter in relating to members (4 senator,

                 ASIO, ASIS, DIGO, 5 HR). Majority must

                 DIO, DSD, ONA                          be government


UNITED           Finance, administration The Intelligence and

KINGDOOM and policy o f MI5, MI6 Security Committee,

                 and GCHQ with review consist o f 9 members,

                 on efficiency. It does drawn from both the

                 not check legality.                    HC and the HL

                                                        Appointed by the PM

CANADA           Performance o f duties The                         security

                 and functions. Intelligence

                 Investigates         the Review committee,

                 complaint o f any consist o f

                 person.                                - (3 - 5) Privy


                                                        - 12 members o ft he


UNITED           Review all intelligence Two Congressional

STATES           agencies. Approves top Over-sight

                 intelligence                           Committees         on

                 appointments. It check Intelligence                    The

                 both legality and Senate                               Select

                 effectiveness.                         Committee (13-17)

                                                        House Permanent

                                                        Committee (19)

Tabel-1. Contoh Negara dimana di/akukan pengawasan terhadap


Berdasarkan contoh tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai

bahan banding pengawasan intelijen oleh DPR RI. Di dalam UU

37 Naskah akadem ik RUU Intelijen Negara RI tahun 2010
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18